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Being Vegan

After recent events on social media which has made me feel really angry, I have decided to write this blog about what i feel being vegan is all about.

There are many different reasons for people turning vegan and having support from people in the vegan community is a sure way of making sure these people stay vegan.
Some people do it for the planet, some for their health, and some for the animals, for whatever reason people go vegan it's a win win all round.

There are some vegans out there that say you must do this and you must do that to be vegan, I believe that as long as you do your best and do as much as you can then that's all that matters, I mean everyone is different, not everyone is comfortable being on the front line at marches and demo's and would rather give to the charities that do alot of the hard work, and this is fine in my eyes. Some people can only do small amount of things like leafleting or posting on social media due to commitments, this is also all good in my eyes.

I'm sure everyone would like to buy from completely vegan companies too, and there and some really good ones to choose from, but not everyone can afford to do this due to pennies being tight or there isn't a vegan shop near them, so they have to buy from supermarkets, which isn't a bad thing i mean everyone's got to eat right, I would suggest trying to buy from vegan companies whenever possible.

Myself and my partner have been to a couple of Canada Goose demo's handing out flyers and making people aware of what the company does. Again I know this kind of thing isn't for everyone. Just talking to people as to why you're vegan is a great way to get the message out there about veganism and you never know some of the people you talk to may even try it for themselves.

I know from experience that 99% of vegans are approachable and happy to talk to anyone who want to find out what its all about. They are happy to give advice and support to everyone on their vegan journey. I for one am very happy to talk to anyone thinking of going vegan or just starting out on their journey, as i know how confusing it can be to start with, and not having been vegan very long (i went vegan in 2015).

The Vegan Journey is so different for everyone and everyone should be supported and encouraged however their journey develops. 

I wish every vegan the very best on their journey and hope that you all support and encourage each other.

Thankyou for viewing my blog VB80


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