So many people have issues with mental health, but it surprises me that it is 1 in 4 people.
Many years ago mental health was a stigma, we are now in the 21st century and its time for people to speak freely about Mental health
There are many reasons for feeling like you can't cope anymore or feeling like whats the point, but finding ways to live with mental health is always the best option. It makes me sad that many people don't get the help they need and take matters into their own hands. There are so many organisations out there but people just aren't aware of them and the help that they can give.
I have suffered for many years with mental health problems for many years now, it got really bad for me when my mum died and I didn't know who to turn to. All my family were grieving and I felt like I had to be strong for everyone. It was 8 years later that I realized that I needed to get help. I visited my doctor who was very understanding and gave me some medication to help with my anxiety and depression, they also referred me to the mental health team. They decided that CBT would be good for me. They were right and it really helped me to handle my anxiety.
I still live with my depression but I decided that the medication that I was taking wasn't really doing anything to help. I have really good days with lots of get up and go and look forward to the day ahead, but I have my bad days too where I can't do anything, I don't even want to leave my bed on these days if I'm honest. On bad days I get very frustrated with things, I can get so emotional and cry uncontrollably, these are the days that i'm so thankful for my loving supportive fiance and my family. I don't know where I'd be without them.
My advise to anyone who is feeling low is to find someone to talk to, be it friend, family, or stranger. There are people out there who want to help you. If you are ever approached by someone needing to talk then be there for them and listen as that's all people need sometimes. If you don't think you can help them then put them in touch with someone who can, there are many wonderful organisations out there ready and waiting to help people in need.
Some organisations out there to help:
The Samaritans

Phone: 116123

Phone: 0300 1233 393
Text: 86463

Phone: 0300 5000 927

Phone: 0300 304 7000
Thankyou for viewing my blog VB80
Many years ago mental health was a stigma, we are now in the 21st century and its time for people to speak freely about Mental health
There are many reasons for feeling like you can't cope anymore or feeling like whats the point, but finding ways to live with mental health is always the best option. It makes me sad that many people don't get the help they need and take matters into their own hands. There are so many organisations out there but people just aren't aware of them and the help that they can give.
I have suffered for many years with mental health problems for many years now, it got really bad for me when my mum died and I didn't know who to turn to. All my family were grieving and I felt like I had to be strong for everyone. It was 8 years later that I realized that I needed to get help. I visited my doctor who was very understanding and gave me some medication to help with my anxiety and depression, they also referred me to the mental health team. They decided that CBT would be good for me. They were right and it really helped me to handle my anxiety.
I still live with my depression but I decided that the medication that I was taking wasn't really doing anything to help. I have really good days with lots of get up and go and look forward to the day ahead, but I have my bad days too where I can't do anything, I don't even want to leave my bed on these days if I'm honest. On bad days I get very frustrated with things, I can get so emotional and cry uncontrollably, these are the days that i'm so thankful for my loving supportive fiance and my family. I don't know where I'd be without them.
My advise to anyone who is feeling low is to find someone to talk to, be it friend, family, or stranger. There are people out there who want to help you. If you are ever approached by someone needing to talk then be there for them and listen as that's all people need sometimes. If you don't think you can help them then put them in touch with someone who can, there are many wonderful organisations out there ready and waiting to help people in need.
Some organisations out there to help:
The Samaritans

Phone: 116123

Phone: 0300 1233 393
Text: 86463

Phone: 0300 5000 927

Phone: 0300 304 7000
Thankyou for viewing my blog VB80
ReplyDeleteThought this would be appreciated @ It is a collection of images and digital artwork connected to ideas like Arborsmithing and the FabTreeHab or Fabricated Tree Habitat. Working on an associated story looking to collaborate with vegan writers and illustrators. Thinking on adding a edible ecosystem section. Also looking for funding for the project…
Anthony Crain
Ps. Looking for bioluminescent like beings and mushroom complexes.
Pss. Trees produce chemicals called phytoncides that reduce inflammation, calm, revive and refresh sometimes dramatically where 10% increases in urban tree canopy correlate with 12-15% reductions in crime and 30% reductions in violent crime. Community gardens had similar effects.
Psss. The Kayapo of the Brazilian Amazon plant their food forests within the greater forest without cutting down trees by carrying satchels with seeds of all their food plants and planting these seeds as they relieve themselves walking along their forest paths. A program in Fort Worth, Texas is now paying their homeless to plant trees